The 3D Studio Featured CG Artists (Yoshiboy, Print Ready Models)

What separates special Artist from the one who is occasional? Nothing! Being 3D Artist is all about occasionally build your special 3D Model from your head or blueprint etc. and why? Because you love it! Building anything to three dimensions is like playing god, you can build and animate anything you can imagine! It simply depends on how much you are willing to put yourself to it if you like it. 

I think that I'm good example because I started from scratch and knowing nothing about 3D Modeling and now, it's been over 12 years I think, and still learning, and I'm nothing but ordinary Artist. But in one way even I'm Special.. If you see my work, you can easily get the picture what kind of things interests me or what am I impressed of or what I like etc. You can simply get a picture how my imagination works.. But I guess that you already know it and spend "tons" of hours in front of your screen, so lets get back to today's twosome special, 3D Studio Artists:

  • Artist No.1 - Yoshiboy with massive medieval props collection and nothing more:
Medieval farming propsMedieval entertainment propsMedieval Street and Outside Props

  •  Artist No.2 - Print Ready Models with huge collection of beautiful printable 3d models:
Statue of Liberty 3D ModelEmpire State Building 3D Model1957 Chevy 3D Model

 Don't forget to join the community at google+ to get here on Enpower3D with your work! Let me know what you think. Enjoy!

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