3ds Tutorials

Special note: page under construction, links will soon be live.
Note: You obviously must own copy of 3ds Max to do this tutorials. Get Your own copy of 3D Studio Max 2012 here at special affiliate discount only at Enpower3D!

Introduction to 3D Are you new to creating 3D models and animation
on the computer? If so, follow this link to learn how to proceed.

Would you like to know how to take
advantage of the many powerful
modeling techniques in 3ds Max?
Use these tutorials to learn
a variety of methods for
creating the exact 3D
models you have in mind.
Materials and Mapping 
Want to master materials and mapping?
These tutorials help you
understand how to use
textures and mapping
coordinates to bring
the utmost expression
and beauty to your scenes.
Want to make your scenes move?
With the many animation methods
available in 3ds Max, you can.
From bouncing a ball to
walking through a house,
these tutorials
will get you going.
Character Animation 
Make your virtual actors act,
starting with basic Biped
and moving on to more
advanced character-animation
Lighting and Rendering 
These tutorials go for
extreme chiaroscuro by
showing you how to place
and manage lights and
shadows. You'll also learn
basic rendering, and master
global illumination with the
mental ray pro renderer.
Special Effects 
Special-effects moves rule the roost
in Hollywood these days, and our
SFX tutorials will help you
emulate the big boys, from
particles effects to lens effects
to dynamic simulations,
including rag-doll physics.
Hair and Cloth 
Tired of bald characters
with stiff clothing?
These tutorials show
you how to take maximum
advantage of the lifelike hair
and natural cloth features
in 3ds Max.
Project Management 
Are you interested in integrating 3ds Max
into your existing film effects
pipeline? Follow this link
to learn how to produce
results without sacrificing
schedule or quality.
Please note: The basic tutorials presented here are intended primarily for those new to 3ds Max and people who need to refresh their skills. For a fuller tutorial set with more advanced material, please go to this page and download the 3ds Max 8 Tutorials – Online Help (or PDF versions) and the Scene and Support Files.